When a single version of the truth replaces siloed apps and the record duplication they create - automation is streamlined.
For example, say you want to send an email alert when a customer field changes, and you have QuickBooks for accounting and SalesForce for CRM, each of which has customer records. Multiply that by many systems, and the streamlining concept starts to crystalize. Whether you can call it WFA, BPA, or RPA, in the end goal is the same - manual task automation.
What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) workflow means you don’t need to be a sofware engineer to get things done, because building rules using the wizard is trivially easy. So easy, that we can describe them in 3 simple steps:
Step #1 - Select an IF or WHEN object event, e.g. “WHEN CUSTOMER”.
Step #2 - Select an event CONDITION, e.g. “IS CREATED”.
Step #3 - And finally, select an ACTION, e.g. “Send email template” (at which point you’ll be given a list of default or custom templates, with ”TO” options such as record of the customer, employee, or you can add in your own custom email address, etc..).
Workflows can be tracked with a handy audit trail that will list all the events, and at what point they are in the cycle (Pending, Completed, or Failed).
Upload documents - Documents such as PDFs onto just about any object in the suite (Customers, Orders, Contacts, Cases, etc..). You can also do things like auto-upload documents to accompany other business forms that are automatically converted into PDFs, such as when you need a terms and conditions document attached with an outbound quotation.
Document Conversions & Process Automation - Using AI, OCR, and other technologies, BizAutomation can help automate the process of receiving, categorizing, and converting - inbound documents (which can also be used when uploading them manually to an object).. more