We sell physical products
We sell services
We sell products & services
About Us
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Order Flexibility
- Custom Shipping Rules
Quote to Order
- Quote to Order
Order Document Management
- Document Customization
Salesforce Automation
Relationship Management – Leads, Prospects, Accounts, etc.. - Account / Customer Management
Service & Support Management
- Customer Self Service
Order Workflow Automation
- Custom yet easy to use automation
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The suite Includes:
Orders, Fulfillment, Shipping
economy of scale-based
Demand Planning
Inventory & Warehouse Mgt.
Financials Management & Multi-Location Accounting
Complete CRM
Manufacturing / MRP
Project Management
Market-Place connect, Business Portals, Commerce Platform, EDI
Analytics, Customization, Workflow-Automation, & Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Advantages of a symbiotic alliance with BizAutomation
No Market saturation
: The last thing you need is a dozen competitors in your area
(Geo or Vertical)
chasing the same customer with the same product. That’s why we seek partnerships where the sum-total of both working
is greater than working
. This will naturally result in a small select network that puts quality above quantity based on symbiosis, which is what
used to mean before big-software hijacked the term.
We don’t compete with our partners
: On the contrary, we’ll work together to improve pre-sale customer technical and demo support, to optimize close percentage by helping prospects make informed decisions, rather then leaps of faith.
Territorial and/or Vertical Industry Exclusivity
: BizAutomation is open to exclusive and/or semi-exclusive non-compete agreements if the conditions make sense.
Why our unique business model is ideal for today’s market conditions
: BizAutomation’s value proposition resonates with SMBs looking for ERP companies that walk their talk.
Stability in a storm of M&As
: ERP Mergers & Acquisitions are at an all time high while ERP seed investors are at an all time low. The hot investment du-jure has long moved from ERP to Crypto, and now AI which will benefit the ERPs left standing as it evolves. So competition for true ERPs like BizAutomation are going down not up. Also we’ve stated publicly on several occasions that we have no interest in merging or being acquired, because we enjoy the independence that comes with 100% self-ownership. Knowing this should contribute to the stability that strategic alliances need in order to build long-term profitable partnerships.
Types of Partnerships & Alliances
: Value Added Resellers (VARs) are partners with experience selling and supporting business systems. VAR partners will be able to generate top-of the funnel leads, and produce bottom of the funnel opportunities both the VAR and BizAutomation can co-demo and ultimately close.
VARs with Implementation services
: These partners are like VARs but with ERP specific expertise, and the resources and training to implement BizAutomation.
Value Added ISVs
: These partners will have a solution not currently available through one of BizAutomation’s existing strategic ISV partners.
Birds of a feather flock together
– For us that means partners willing to go the extra mile to reduce customer churn
reflected in customer reviews
. Having an aligned “Customer First” policy also impacts the quality of customer we both take on. Chasing quantity for revenue's sake trades short-term gain for long-term expense as it costs 10x more to win new business than it does to maintain it, not to mention collateral damage from unhappy clients leaving poor-reviews as parting gifts, which continually increase customer acquisition costs.
Financial Stability
: Because of how we’re structuring our partner network, we’ll want to align our resources with well funded companies with a positive cash-flow, a proven track-record, and domain expertise in the areas in which we symbiotically align.
: Dedicated personnel with requisite skills.