Operational and financial insight across all business functions.
Dashboards boost productivity by displaying actionable insights in the form of KPIs, reminders, tasks and visual report snapshots. You can drag-and-drop each portlet to customize vertical and horizontal size and location to fit your page.
Each dashboard profile can be configured by role, so each employee can see dashboards that are relevant to what they do within the organization.
Use your own custom reports or pre-defined reports as feed-stock for your dashboard portlets (aka “summary reports”).
When a single version of the truth replaces siloed apps and the record duplication they create - automation is streamlined.
For example, say you want to send an email alert when a customer field changes, and you have QuickBooks for accounting and SalesForce for CRM, each of which has customer records. Multiply that by many systems, and the streamlining concept starts to crystalize. Whether you can call it WFA, BPA, or RPA, in the end goal is the same - manual task automation.
McKinsey estimates that 60% of employees could save 30% of their time with workflow automation. Managers say, on average, that they spend at least eight hours per week (or an entire work day) on manual data tasks. Further, 25% of managers devote 20 or more weekly hours to these tasks.
What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) workflow automation means you don’t need to be a software engineer to get things done, because building rules using the wizard is trivially easy.
So easy, that we can describe them in 3 simple steps:
Step #1 - Select an IF or WHEN object event, e.g. “WHEN CUSTOMER”.
Step #2 - Select an event CONDITION, e.g. “IS CREATED”.
Step #3 - And finally, select an ACTION, e.g. “Send email template” (at which point you’ll be given a list of default or custom templates, with ”TO” options such as record of the customer, employee, or you can add in your own custom email address, etc..).
Workflows can be tracked with a handy audit trail that will list all the events, and at what point they are in the cycle (Pending, Completed, or Failed).
“WHEN” and “CONDITIONS”, which can include various parameters, create upstream trigger conditions on which “ACTION” events downstream fire events.
Actions can include:
New Record Alerts
How many times have you been assigned or transferred a record, and never realized it. Record alerts help put new records on your radar.
Attach documents to Organizations, Contacts, Orders, etc... in fact nearly every record type in the system supports related document attachments.
BizAutomation uses machine learning (ML) to train private LLMs on your data. We use private AI LLMs for a number of reasons including data privacy.
BizAutomation’s role-based AI, use contextual and continuous training data from records and transactions generated daily within BizAutomation, to provide domain specific feedback from AI with deep knowledge of your business to significantly enhance your employee’s ability to help management make better business decisions.
Some examples or many: Let us know what use-cases you have in mind..
BizAutomation offers multiple customization options, so you can tailor fit the suite to your exact set of requirements. Here are some of the most popular capabilities all our customers take advantage of:
Global Search - Find any record, or data you’re looking for from any vantage point throughout the suite. Because we use the same indexing technology employed by search engines, even millions of records can be accessed in under a second. Also, you can tune how global searches are conducted – meaning that you can set the system to search based on “Contains value” or “Starts with” value” or, to look within a particular object such as “Orders”, “Organizations”, “Contacts”, and so forth.
Saved Search - With BizAutomation’s advanced filtering and search, you can build comprehensive lists from all your business objects. For example, say you regularly need to see organizations in California with an employee range of 50-100 in a particular industry. The combinations, and variations of saved searches are virtually endless.
Column Filtering - Almost all object lists in BizAutomation offer customizable real-time database column filtering. This means that not only can you set columns based on permission groups / roles, you ‘ll be able to column filter within exposed record columns listed, including custom field columns within whatever module you like. While most systems leave column filtering to report building, we offer it on all common records you typically use on a day to day basis.
Here’s just a partial list of what you’ll be able to column filter:
Tabs & Sub-Tabs - Add custom tabs with your labeling, which can link to any external site or gated information within the tab. Custom labeled sub-tabs within many records (e.g. Customer records) can be added. These sub-tabs can contain their own forms and custom fields.
Custom Fields - Add custom fields and labels to records throughout the suite including Customers, Suppliers, Sales Orders, Purchase Orders, Items, and many more. Various field types are available including Text, Check-Box, Radio-Button, Combo-Box, Hyperlink, and more.
Custom Labels - Re-Label fields to match your organization's own terminology..
Custom AI / LLM Prompts - Knowing how to answer is fast being replaced with knowing how to ask and request results from AI language models (aka LLMs). This is provided in BizAutomation by enabling employees to build repositories of their most successful questions and other requests, enabling reuse against updated trained business data. This is in addition to the training and fine tuning of your data against AI LLMs, resulting in a enterprise ready AI solution.
User Permissions & Access Control - BizAutomation’s permission framework lets administrators create custom permission groups, which can be given view, add, edit/delete rights, which are automatically inherited by users assigned to these groups. Here are just some of the things you can do with permissions:
Restrict Tab & Sub-Tab access - Tabs contain things like modules (e.g. there’s an accounting tab, an orders, etc..), so if you want for example to prevent a sales department’s access to the accounting module, this is one of the way’s you’d lock that down. Sub-Tabs are located within records such as Customer and Order records. So if you have sub-tab you don’t want to be viewed by some users, but still want to expose the rest of that record (item master is one that typically gets modified) you’ld be able to do that.
Hide fields & column lists within accessble forms by user role - Even if you want to grant access to sub-tabs containing forms and fields, you can still restrict field view access to some permission groups but not others (e.g. say you want to license or SSN field on a form every user group has access to, but only want to restrict these fields to only the accounting staff). All of these same capabilities are avaialble to records lists too, so for example even though the sales and support department have access to “Orders”, the columns can be completely different, tailored for each user role.
Custom Reports - KPIs, Scorecards, etc...
You'll find it easy to perform common tasks such as selecting custom and default fields from database objects like organizations, orders, contacts, etc.. together with the conditions needed to fine tune the report such as date range, sort order, etc..
Various report types supported:
Report Scheduler
Schedule reports to go out via email daily which you can share with key customers and business partners too. Includes CSV copy which can be automatically consumed by 3rd party analytics tools such as Power BI.